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Pelvic Health Physiotherapy
You pelvic health physiotherapy appointment will begin with Emma asking about your specific pelvic concerns. She will also ask additional questions may be about bowel/bladder habits, pain, intercourse/sexual activity, physical activity, stress, and sleep. It is important not to rush this part as Emma will gain valuable information to individualize your treatment plan.
After a history and consultation, Emma will proceed to a physical assessment. This is done by examining the internal structures of the pelvis, either through the vagina and/or rectum. A pelvic health physiotherapist has specialized training to perform internal pelvic exams both vaginally and rectally. Your therapist will describe what the exam will be like and discuss risks, benefits, and expectations. Throughout the entire process, Emma will always receive your consent before performing any examinations or treatment on you.
It is important to remember consent is ongoing and can be withdrawn at anytime, which means you are in control of the session the entire time and if you wish not to have this exam done or change your mind at any point – you can. You will never be pressured to continue with any part of the exam or treatment that you are not comfortable with. While examining the internal structures can be very important for diagnosis and treatment, the internal exam can always be done at a later appointment.
Should you choose to go ahead with the internal exam component of the session, Emma will leave the room while you undress from the waist down. Your will lay down with your head on the pillow and your feet at the end of the bed with your knees bent up and your body is covered up with a large sheet. The therapist starts with a visual exam of the tissues. Using gloves and lubricant, they use one or two fingers to assess the pelvic structures. Depending on your concerns your therapist will check for prolapse, laxity and mobility. They will assess muscle tone, tension and strength.
It is always recommended that you ask questions at any time. The assessment and treatment may be outside your comfort zone but Emma will work with you, at your pace, to achieve your goals.
Pelvic Health Physiotherapy: Services
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